Night News is an artist book comprising of assemblages, extractions and impressions of breaking news coverage between 1989 – 2017. Comprised of twenty landscape photomontages folded together, it is designed to be taken apart, shuffled and reassembled.
Imagery for this publication was made through experimental processes of extracting, rephotographing and physically obscuring imagery from the news media, oscillating between digital and analogue processes from contemporary and archival source material. Searching through found phone and CCTV footage, newspaper archives and breaking news coverage, Anna selects disparate images and collapses them together to form shaky impressions and speculative new connections. Abberated grainy imagery and vivid disrupting hues are blended together. Crowds, figures and faces are eroded, layered by floodwaters, fire and smoke. Erratic jump cuts drag traces of imagery between pages. Night News contemplates what survives when imagery is deprived of its context and meaning, floating between representation and abstraction.
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